Sjöfartsstiftelsens styrelse har vid sitt vårmöte den 28 april 2022 beviljat stiftelsens år 2022 stipendier. Det kom totalt 79 st. ansökningar. Stiftelsen beviljade 152 323 euro som personliga stipendier till 62 sökandena samt 26 000 euro till läroanstalter för utdelning av stipendier till framgångsrika studeranden.
Namn | Rubrik | BIDRAG(€) |
Abaei Mohammad Mahdi | Developing Smart Condition | 1 500 |
Ahmad Waqas | Measurement of crack speed in S2 saline ice using Digital Image Correlation | 1 900 |
BahooToroody Ahmad | Autonomous Safety for Autonomous Ship Navigation Systems | 4 000 |
Basnet Sunil | Funding for finalizing Doctoral thesis titled “Developing risk management models and tools for autonomous maritime ecosystems” | 5 000 |
Bolbot Victor | Cybersecurity analysis of a marine dual-fuel engine and presentation of research findings at a conference | 1 500 |
Bolbot Victor | Development of small MASS model | 9 000 |
Chaal Meriam | Funding application for finishing Doctoral Thesis of autonomous ship development | 5 000 |
Cheirdaris (Hirdaris) Spyridon (Spyros) | Participation / presentations in conferences of the development of hydromechanics models for the assesment of sea loads and safety of ships | 6 200 |
El Gharamti Iman | Travel grant to present my research of the fracture and mechanical behavior of ice at the IAHR Symposium | 1 900 |
Fagerlund Marcus | NTHS kongress 2022 | 2 500 |
Gadalla Mahmoud | Scholarship to finalize doctoral dissertation: Numerical modeling of spray assisted ignition and flame initiation using alternative fuels | 1 000 |
Heikkilä Mikko | Rikkipesurilaivojen komplianssin valvonta satelliitti-infrapunakuvien avulla | 1 740 |
Heiskari Janne | Apurahahakemus PRADS22 konferenssiin, laivojen lasisuunnittelu risteilyaluksissa | 1 370 |
Isokorpi Anniina | Asejärjestelmien integrointi perinteiseen laivatekniseen suunnitteluun | 1 000 |
JIANG ZONGYU | Presentation at an international conference, OMAE2022, of evaluation of local ice loads on ship hull during the collision against the medium and small size ice floes. | 1 850 |
Karola Aaro | Participation and presentation in OMAE 2022 conference, wave load analysis | 1 850 |
Kondratenko Aleksandr | Presentation at SNAME Maritime Convention 2022, Holistic design optimization of Arctic ships | 2 175 |
Kontto Tommi | Merenkulun lehtoriksi pätevöityminen ja YAMK lopputyön tekeminen, kolulaiva viranomaisapuna | 2 000 |
Korpela Jonas | Diplomityö: “Decarbonization of a handymax bulk carrier” | 1 000 |
Kuittinen Niina | Laivamoottorien pienhiukkaspäästön ilmakehävaikutukset | 1 000 |
Laurila Tatu | Ammonia as a marine fuel (Ammoniakki laivan polttoaineena) | 1 000 |
Li Fang | Attending international scientific conference OMAE2022 | 1 850 |
Li Fang | Research visit to University College London | 2 000 |
Liljelund Lotta | Rakenne- ja prosessisuunnittelun reunaehdot korvattaessa jätteenpolttouuni pyrolyysilaitteella laivan jätteenpolttopäästöjen vähentämiseksi | 1 000 |
Lindahl Alexandra | Utbilningsstöd för lärarbehörighet/vuxenpedagogik | 1 000 |
Lindell Bernt | Apurahahakemus Pro Gradua varten, alusrahoitusmalli | 1 000 |
Liu Cong | Funding for travel to present scientific work at conferences and seminars, The Application of Machine Learning Methods for Intelligent Decision -Making to Enhance Maritime Safety and Transparency in Ice Conditions | 1 850 |
Liu Cong | Funding for travel: Attend DNV Nordic Maritime University Workshop 2022 | 730 |
Mancini Federica | Participation to scientific event: International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics ICoNSOM 2022, organized by the International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&MoCS) of the University of L’Aquila and McGill University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Montreal, Canada in collaboration with the Department of Architecture of the University of Sassari. | 800 |
Mancini Federica | Participation to scientific event: the 75th IIW annual assembly and international conference (IIW2022) on Welding and Joining, organized by the Japan Institute of Welding. | 2 250 |
Matusiak Jerzy | Sectional wave loads of ship by LaiDyn-software | 3 750 |
Morev Ilya | Numerical studies of hydrogen combustion | 1 600 |
Musharraf Mashrura | Funding for travel to present scientific work at conferences and seminars, Knowledge elicitation and digitization using FRAM to inform automation of marine operations in ice | 3 350 |
Niraula Abinab | Participation to scientific event: the 75th IIW annual assembly and international conference (IIW2022) on Welding and Joining, organized by the Japan Institute of Welding, Fatigue strength -based characterization of weld notch defects in laser-hybrid welded butt joints | 2 250 |
Niraula Abinab | Research visit to EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, Fatigue assessment of high-strength ship structures | 8 200 |
Nyári Judit | Passengers’ preference and awareness on fuels in the marine sector in Northern Europe – A case study on synthetic fuels for cruise ships | 5 000 |
Oksala Sid | Master’s thesis funding for an experimental study on model scale ridges, their construction methods and the effects on measured loads. | 1 000 |
Pulkkanen Petri | Merikapteenin tutkinnon opinnäytetyö “Merivahingonlaskija – tehtävistä ja ratkaisukäytännöstä” | 1 000 |
Pulkkanen Petri | LL.M. tutkinnon suorittamiseksi Alankomaiden Rotterdamin Erasmus yliopistossa | 2 209 |
Rautiainen Matti | Osallistuminen sekä esityksen pitäminen tapahtumassa “75th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference” Tokiossa, A traction force approach for fatigue assessment of complex welded structures | 2 250 |
Romanoff Jani | ISSC Ultimate Strength Committee Meeting, Congress and Correspondent meeting | 2 500 |
Romanoff Jani | 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Optimization of insulating glass units in cruise ships | 1 600 |
Rupasingha Arachchige Malith Prasanna | Travel grant to attend The 26th IAHR International Symposium on Ice in Montreal, Canada, Bonded particle simulation of fragmenting ice blocks | 1 900 |
Schurr Jennifer Lorena | Turbulent Flame Propagation of Premixed Hydrogen Combustion | 1 000 |
Schwartz Henry | Tohtoriopintojen loppuunsaattaminen. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämistä merenkulusta liiketaloudellisin keinoin. | 4 000 |
Skrifvars Elias | Vidareutbildning inom sjöfartsjuridik samt skrivande av pro gradu inom ämnet | 1 000 |
Sohn-Rajamäki Ina | Merikapteeni opiskelijan, opinnäytetyö: Training manual for apprentices on the multicultural crews in Finnish vessels | 1 000 |
Stenberg Aleksi | A systematic material selection process in integration of biogas reactor in cruise ship | 1 000 |
Suominen Mikko | Seasonal and local variation in the flexural strength of lake ice in Saimaa area | 1 900 |
Suominen Mikko | MEC-E4006 Ship Operations in Ice – kurssin vierailu jäänmurtajalle | 5 100 |
Taimuri Ghalib Humayun | Grant for finalizing the doctoral dissertation titled “The Dynamics of Ship Grounding”. Research develops a 6-DoF rapid two-way couple FSI grounding dynamics model to investigate the damage extends of a grounded ship. | 5 000 |
Taimuri Ghalib Humayun | A 6-DoF maneuvering two-way coupled Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) model to simulate grounding avoidance actions, accounting for the surrounding environment (waves, ocean currents, wind,and bathymetry), and ship operating conditions. | 2 175 |
Taimuri Ghalib Humayun | A rapid grounding dynamics model to investigate the deterministic damage extends under real operational condition | 1 370 |
Tavakoli Sasan | Financial support for ASME-OMAE22 and The 9th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, The Hydroelastic Response of Flat Plate Structures | 2 150 |
Uschanow Tony | Apuraha Shipping and Transport, Master-tutkintoa (Rotterdam University of Applied Science, MSc.-degree) varten. | 2 209 |
Vanne Iiro | Doctoral thesis: “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fire Safety Systems in Passenger Ship Applications” – Research exchange | 4 400 |
Veltheim Oskar | Travel Grant for Participation in 2022 IAHR International Symposium on Ice, Validation of an inverse model to determine ice load magnitude and load patch on a ship hull | 1 900 |
Wojcieszyk Michal | Research on renewable fuels for maritime transport aiming at reduced greenhouse gas emissions, optimized end-use performance, and improved energy security | 3 000 |
Yeganeh Maria | Investigating the Effect of Injection Angle on Hydrogen Jet Behavior in Developing a Hydrogen Marine Engine | 3 000 |
Zhang Mingyang | Funding application for finishing doctoral thesis: Big data methods for the evaluation of ship collisions and groundings in real conditions | 5 000 |
Zhang Mingyang | Funding for travel to present scientific work at conferences: A rapid grounding dynamics model to investigate the deterministic damage extends under real critical operational condition | 1 370 |
Zhang Mingyang | Funding for travel to present scientific work at conferences: A rapid estimation method for grounding avoidance actions in real operational conditions | 2 175 |
Till läroanstalterna för utdelning av stipendier
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr | 8 000 |
Axxell | 2 000 |
Etelä-Kymenlaakson ammattiopisto Ekami | 2 000 |
Högskolan på Åland ( Ålands landskapsregering ) | 2 000 |
Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy | 2 000 |
Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy, WinNova | 2 000 |
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu | 2 000 |
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy | 2 000 |
Turun Suomalaisen yhteiskoulun lukio/Merilinja | 1 000 |
Yrkeshögskolan Novia | 2 000 |
Ålands yrkesgymnasium, sjöfart | 1 000 |